
Showing posts from May, 2022

Pioneering New Engineering Innovations For A Resilient World In A Post-COVID 19 Era

  (A paper submitted for the Nigerian University Engineering Association Magazine) D espite the successive riotous waves of the global pandemic, the world still exists. However, we are still adjusting with the ‘new normal’ lifestyle that tagged along with COVID-19. A World Bank Study showed that economic growth of advanced regions would decline from a depleted 3.8 percent in 2022 to a disastrous 2.3 percent in 2023. What chance do less-advanced regions have? Innovation is the backbone of our survival in these life threatening times. Innovation is the innate quality of adaptation and resilience pooled into the muscles of the mind. In this Post-COVID era, challenges needs to be solved with scientific solutions. Thus, underscoring the role of emerging engineering innovations for the earth to maintain her much needed resilience. Globally, the most prominent areas affected by the pandemic are: health, education and businesses. Nonetheless, the world is rebounding; however, to maintain a...

Transformation is First Internal

A t times, we end up doing the very things we say that we won't do. No doubt, words are powerful; however, an underestimated factor in the efficacy of our words - our thoughts, is what the Bible addresses in Isiah chapter 55 verse 7.  Our thoughts are a key factor in the actualising of our desires, it is the first step towards a true change. God told the unbelievers in the text above to forsake their sinful ways, then change their thoughts so that their change may stand the test of time. Thoughts are powerful and each thought that runs through our mind needs to be scrutinized with the help of the Holy Spirit. Thus, helping us to know if it is from God or if it needs to be rebuked and replaced with God's word. The Bible says that as a man thinketh so is he. There are thoughts that as believers we should not condone in our hearts. Everything we wish to change starts from how we think about it. It has been proved from experience that confession alone is insufficient to stop one fr...

Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet

  Here's my first award-winning essay, Enjoy! Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet The overexploitation of natural resources and upsetting ecological balance as a result of excessive pollution done by humanity is now tilting the earth towards a breaking point. Sadly, there seems to be no going back from this looming death trap unless there is a rapid response aimed at mitigating and undoing the mess. To achieve this, the shipping industry has to lead and remain at the forefront of the quest for sustainability. The farther shipping is from sustainability, the more herculean the tasks to realize the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and ultimately, the more unlikely we would achieve a sustainable planet soon.  Shipping is regarded as the most effective and cost-efficient method of international transportation. It is also crucial for world prosperity as it transports about 80 percent of world trade; however, the downside is that it heavily relie...