
Showing posts with the label Christian Content

The John 13 Series (I): Love & Trust

Have you been in a situation where it seems like your world is upside down despite knowing you are in God’s will? I've been there and found it hard to keep calm or trust that everything would be fine. Towards Jesus’s death, there was some disturbance among his disciples; however, one person had a level of trust that made him calm despite all that occurred around him. Who was this🤔? In John 13, at the last supper, Jesus disclosed that one of his disciples would betray him. Predictably, there was confusion among his disciples😵. They were suspicious and confused about whom that statement referred to. Amazingly, In the middle of all this, John was busy resting on Jesus’s chest, rather unbothered👀. Finally, to eradicate the disciples’ confusion, Peter signaled to John to ask Jesus who the betrayer was. John obeyed without shifting from his position of rest - leaning on Jesus (v25). What kind of man is this, that was unmoved by his surroundings and was at ease with Jesus?  What did h...

Start With Me

Sometimes we are vexed by the way those around us behave or how they live their lives. Even some leaders are constantly frustrated at the state of their subordinates, even Jesus faced worse when relating with his disciples, as you can imagine🤣.  Noteworthily, while praying his last prayer for his disciples on Earth, Jesus revealed a principle that was vital to the disciples' transformation from mere men to mighty apostles 💪.  While at the Garden of Gethsemane, in John 17:19, Jesus prayed, " for their sakes, I sanctify myself , that they also might be sanctified through the truth ." In v20, Jesus then prayed, 'for the sake of those that will be sanctified through them , sanctify them '. What was happening here? In the above verses, Jesus revealed that one cannot give something that one doesn't have. One cannot influence or impact people without first being an embodiment of that influence or impact . He wanted his disciples (those in his sphere of influence) ...

Purity: The Flip Side

W e all have things we are expecting God to do for us this year. Certainly, most of us hope that this year we will see God in action in various aspects of our lives, saying, 'I am trusting God to do this and that for me🙏 this year  '.  However, to see the hand of God (God's power) takes more than amazing plans. At times we hinder God from working, and sometimes God is at work, and we don't see it😳, all because we lack  a key component .  What is this key ingredient to seeing God move? While giving the popular sermon on the mount, Jesus said, ' Blessed are the pure in heart for they,  shall see God' (Matthew 5:8). You are probably thinking "what does being pure in heart have to do with my goals?"  Basically, ensuring your heart is pure implies not exposing yourself to what can 'corrupt the heart', which is very important. But, on the flip side , it also means making sure that the motive of your actions and goals (that you are trusting God for...

The Art of Worship

Many things happened to us this year that we didn’t plan for.  Also, unlike others, some of us didn’t get all we asked and prayed for to happen this year😩.  Frequently, when we thank God for how the year has been, at times these degrading thoughts pop up in our hearts along with our sonorous voices during thanksgiving. Rather than this heart posture, there are two✌️ key postures that Jesus desires of us to truly worship God. Jesus spelt it out in John 4:24 , “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” What does 'in spirit' imply? 🤷 Remember, when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He gave us the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is apt to say that when Christ said ‘worship in spirit’, He wants us to thank Him for what He has given us and not worry about what He hasn’t given us. Thus, we aren’t pained because we haven’t gotten a Rolls Royce yet; rather, we thank Him for the vision He has given us that will certainly prosper beyond imagina...


D elay is not always caused by your “village” people or spiritual attacks. Sometimes, the main reason we haven’t gotten the answer to our prayers is that we forget an important principle of God. So, before you go to that next 'night vigil' or embark on marathon fasting, make sure you understand this precious tenet of God. Genesis 2:5 lays the foundation of this principle -" no shrub  or  plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and  there was no man to cultivate the ground ," . In simpler terms, God didn't send rain because there was no one to work on the ground. Could it be that God hasn't sent rain in that area of your life because you haven't become the person that can cultivate the ground i.e. you haven't become THE ONE, that God can entrust with the riches of the earth? Jesus said, "we perish for lack of knowledge", or more easily put, we...

Before You Set Out

Congratulations God has spoken to you and given you a promise. Naturally, you seek to prepare and to start moving in the direction of God's promise for you. However, there is a funny and fundamental truth that you should realize before setting out to fulfill God's word. The first time Jesus sent His disciples out, He had to emphasize this truth before sending them out. It took some time for me to realize this. What is this truth? In Luke 10, As Jesus sent His disciples out to the cities, He told them  not to take any bag, staff, or extra clothing.  Jesus didn't mean that travelling accessories weren't beneficial; however, He wanted his disciples to understand that the ability to do that which God has sent them to, doesn't lie in what they have but in what God has said. God's word has the creative ability to fulfil itself.  Thus, the resources you have or advantages at your disposal didn't qualify you for the promise; however,  God's mercy sought you out ...

You Don't Need An Hammer 🔨 to Build (Eph 4:24)

" A s long as I don't curse or speak perverse words, I am fine." Most of us believe the above statement is the Christian standard of speech. While discipline in cursing and perverse speaking is commendable, the truth is Christ demands more from His children. What then is the Christian's standard of speech? Ephesians 4:29 helps us answer this question by stating, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up🔥...that it may give grace to those who hear." Wow! This means that every conversation we indulge in should have a strengthening and encouraging effect on the other party. Sometimes we speak to people and they lock themselves up and cry, ultimately, feeling less than they were built up to be. Constructive criticism should be embedded in our default expression. Our words should be rivers of living waters that will serve as refreshing to those who encounter them.  Thank God for Joshua and Caleb. Had they not debun...

Transformation is First Internal

A t times, we end up doing the very things we say that we won't do. No doubt, words are powerful; however, an underestimated factor in the efficacy of our words - our thoughts, is what the Bible addresses in Isiah chapter 55 verse 7.  Our thoughts are a key factor in the actualising of our desires, it is the first step towards a true change. God told the unbelievers in the text above to forsake their sinful ways, then change their thoughts so that their change may stand the test of time. Thoughts are powerful and each thought that runs through our mind needs to be scrutinized with the help of the Holy Spirit. Thus, helping us to know if it is from God or if it needs to be rebuked and replaced with God's word. The Bible says that as a man thinketh so is he. There are thoughts that as believers we should not condone in our hearts. Everything we wish to change starts from how we think about it. It has been proved from experience that confession alone is insufficient to stop one fr...