Transformation is First Internal
At times, we end up doing the very things we say that we won't do. No doubt, words are powerful; however, an underestimated factor in the efficacy of our words - our thoughts, is what the Bible addresses in Isiah chapter 55 verse 7. Our thoughts are a key factor in the actualising of our desires, it is the first step towards a true change.
God told the unbelievers in the text above to forsake their sinful ways, then change their thoughts so that their change may stand the test of time. Thoughts are powerful and each thought that runs through our mind needs to be scrutinized with the help of the Holy Spirit. Thus, helping us to know if it is from God or if it needs to be rebuked and replaced with God's word. The Bible says that as a man thinketh so is he. There are thoughts that as believers we should not condone in our hearts. Everything we wish to change starts from how we think about it.
It has been proved from experience that confession alone is insufficient to stop one from performing an action. One cannot defer from eating mango if one thinks about mango throughout the day. Transformation to Christ's image through the Holy Spirit's help starts, from overhauling carnal thoughts and replacing them with our reality in Christ.
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