You Don't Need An Hammer 🔨 to Build (Eph 4:24)
"As long as I don't curse or speak perverse words, I am fine." Most of us believe the above statement is the Christian standard of speech. While discipline in cursing and perverse speaking is commendable, the truth is Christ demands more from His children. What then is the Christian's standard of speech?
Ephesians 4:29 helps us answer this question by stating, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up🔥...that it may give grace to those who hear." Wow! This means that every conversation we indulge in should have a strengthening and encouraging effect on the other party. Sometimes we speak to people and they lock themselves up and cry, ultimately, feeling less than they were built up to be. Constructive criticism should be embedded in our default expression. Our words should be rivers of living waters that will serve as refreshing to those who encounter them.
Thank God for Joshua and Caleb. Had they not debunked the "we are like grasshoppers" report from the city of Canaan, perhaps the Israelites wouldn't have gotten to the promised land. It's not enough not to curse at the slightest provocation, but rather speak words that give life and strength to others💪. You don't need a hammer to build, your words are enough.
Prayer: Lord we obtain grace to build others with the words we speak.
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