The John 13 Series (II): ASK!!!
The first part of the John 13 series established the love-trust relationship. 🔗 However, at the end of the blog post, it was stated that there is a caution that we must adhere to while being secure in God’s love. As much as Jesus loves us to lean on Him irrespective of circumstances and situations; He also wants to see our problems solved. The love-trust relationship comes with an open cheque and only someone among the disciples understood it in John 13. Now, what was this caution?
At the supper, although
John was at ease on Jesus’ chest, the confusion around him wasn’t changing. So, Peter beckoned to John to ask Jesus
who the betrayer was so that there would be peace. John obeyed and eventually, Jesus' response brought a calm. What Peter did here was to leverage the love-trust relationship
between Jesus and John to obtain what could calm the unsettling situation. Similarly, this admonishes us not to be complacent just because we trust God
in troubling situations but to use our relationship to obtain wisdom, help, strength,
or whatsoever we need to calm the situation around us.
Jesus knew what He could do to ensure decorum at the supper. However, until John asked Him, he didn’t interfere. Let’s develop a habit of running to God’s presence, staying, and seeking wisdom when faced with life’s situations. If we don’t and things don’t go as planned, we naturally tend to blame it on Jesus🙄, but the bitter truth is that we didn’t play our part.
Personal experience: Last week, I was working on an assignment and the software I was utilizing crashed at a point. This happened on Sunday morning, and I was to submit the assignment the next day. When it happened, I wasn’t troubled (love-trust 💟) and I inquired in my spirit (ask🙏) about who could help me but at that point, my mind wasn’t too clear, so I was hearing a lot of things. Nevertheless, I went to church, didn't brood about it and I had a wonderful church service. When I came back a name dropped in my mind – ‘Victor’ which I hadn’t thought of before. I reached out to him, and he was more than ready to help beyond my imagination. Glory to God, I could submit the assignment on time.
Jesus says whatsoever we ask in His name, He will give to us. A love-trust relationship positions our hearts to ask in the right manner, and ask with confidence, as the scripture says, "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM" (Heb.11 vs 6).
Thus, as we love and trust him more, let’s develop the habit of talking to him more. He is ever ready to help. Just like Jacob, in Isaiah 9:8, he can give us a light (insight) that can light up(on) Israel. We can solve global problems on the pedestal of the love-trust relationship. Let’s keep asking.
Prayer: Lord
I obtain grace to ask for wisdom and the resources I need, to go through every
unsettling situation around me.
Note: There is also one more caution that you must take note of in asking. This will be revealed in the next blog post. You could try to perceive what it may be; I would love to hear what you think it may be in the comment section.
Please, if you have any questions, contributions, or Bible verses related to this post, I will love to hear from you in the comment section.
I really appreciate your feedback. I would love to have you next time on the Tri-partite Blog.