Pioneering New Engineering Innovations For A Resilient World In A Post-COVID 19 Era
(A paper submitted for the Nigerian University Engineering Association Magazine) D espite the successive riotous waves of the global pandemic, the world still exists. However, we are still adjusting with the ‘new normal’ lifestyle that tagged along with COVID-19. A World Bank Study showed that economic growth of advanced regions would decline from a depleted 3.8 percent in 2022 to a disastrous 2.3 percent in 2023. What chance do less-advanced regions have? Innovation is the backbone of our survival in these life threatening times. Innovation is the innate quality of adaptation and resilience pooled into the muscles of the mind. In this Post-COVID era, challenges needs to be solved with scientific solutions. Thus, underscoring the role of emerging engineering innovations for the earth to maintain her much needed resilience. Globally, the most prominent areas affected by the pandemic are: health, education and businesses. Nonetheless, the world is rebounding; however, to maintain a...