
What You Didn't Know About October 🗓️

W e are in the first double-digit month of 2022.  The Bible urges us to understand the times that we live in. As always, there are splendid things that God is doing per season and the tenth month is not an exception.  However, through the word, the light to our path, we can see the marvelous things associated with the number 10 and the tenth month and be partakers of these blessings. Let's move 💃. 1. Creative power : Do you know that during creation, God uttered ten authoritative creation statements ('God said' occurred ten times)?  2. Grace and Favour: The  Bible recorded that in the tenth month, Esther found grace and favor before the King. Thus, she was enthroned and made queen even in a strange land (Esther 2). 3. In the 10th month, A word from God came through Ezekiel, that Pharoah, a proud self-proclaimed stronghold, and principality, will be displaced out of his territory with his cohorts and utterly disgraced (Ezekiel 29). 4. Also, although God wiped t...

What You Didn't Know About September 🗓️

I t is another time to see the goodies that the month of September holds for us - Children of God. Stay glued to this article and see the possibilities you can tap into in the 9th month as a Child of God.   September's Spiritual Delicacies 1. A Month of Grace 🤲🏼: In Ezra 10, the Children of God that have erred and were exiled received grace to return to the fold of God's elect. 2. A Period of Intentionally Seeking God 🙇‍♂️: Funny enough this point took place in the 9th month at 2 separate times. First, in Jeremiah 36, the word of God was revealed to the people and a fast was declared in a bid to consecrate themselves to God. Second, in Zechariah 7, the people also sought the face of God from the prophets.  3. The Kickstarter of Great Blessings 💃🏻: God declared blessings in the 9th month through Haggai. In Haggai 2, He said, " From this moment, I will bless you...and I will make you a signet ring for I have chosen you ."  Lastly, it's important to mention that...

Before You Set Out

Congratulations God has spoken to you and given you a promise. Naturally, you seek to prepare and to start moving in the direction of God's promise for you. However, there is a funny and fundamental truth that you should realize before setting out to fulfill God's word. The first time Jesus sent His disciples out, He had to emphasize this truth before sending them out. It took some time for me to realize this. What is this truth? In Luke 10, As Jesus sent His disciples out to the cities, He told them  not to take any bag, staff, or extra clothing.  Jesus didn't mean that travelling accessories weren't beneficial; however, He wanted his disciples to understand that the ability to do that which God has sent them to, doesn't lie in what they have but in what God has said. God's word has the creative ability to fulfil itself.  Thus, the resources you have or advantages at your disposal didn't qualify you for the promise; however,  God's mercy sought you out ...

Finding What We Really Seek

N obody likes work. The real reason we work and take steps to make ends meet is that we want to find rest - meet our needs easily and have inward peace. Often, men seek this rest the wrong way. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said He will give us this rest but in the following verse (v29); He said we will find it. Is there a contradiction? How can we find rest? Matthew 11:28& 29 says, " Come to me, all who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls ." What Jesus meant was that in surrendering our endeavors to him, taking his yoke (which is what He really wants us to do in life), feeding on His word through the process, and having a gentle and humble attitude throughout the way, we will reach a certain point where we will have rest - (all the things we seek for). So, the question is what is Christ's yoke for you? If you have the yoke already, are yo...