All things being equal, this blog post should have ended the John 13 series. However, I perceived that God would have us learn or relearn one of the toughest lessons I learnt recently. You would agree with me that oftentimes when we think about faith, a beautiful picture is painted in our minds. For example, Abraham believes God for a child; He gets Isaac, and everyone is happy. However, having only this ideology is a catalyst for heartbreaks because it is incomplete. What then, is the missing piece? 🧩 Apostle Paul helps us answer this question in Hebrews chapter 11. He shows us in verses 36 – 38 that men who obtained a good report through faith experienced – trials, afflictions, and other sufferings. Verse 37 - 38 says, “ They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, ”. ...
Have you been in a situation where it seems like your world is upside down despite knowing you are in God’s will? I've been there and found it hard to keep calm or trust that everything would be fine. Towards Jesus’s death, there was some disturbance among his disciples; however, one person had a level of trust that made him calm despite all that occurred around him. Who was this🤔? In John 13, at the last supper, Jesus disclosed that one of his disciples would betray him. Predictably, there was confusion among his disciples😵. They were suspicious and confused about whom that statement referred to. Amazingly, In the middle of all this, John was busy resting on Jesus’s chest, rather unbothered👀. Finally, to eradicate the disciples’ confusion, Peter signaled to John to ask Jesus who the betrayer was. John obeyed without shifting from his position of rest - leaning on Jesus (v25). What kind of man is this, that was unmoved by his surroundings and was at ease with Jesus? What did h...
D elay is not always caused by your “village” people or spiritual attacks. Sometimes, the main reason we haven’t gotten the answer to our prayers is that we forget an important principle of God. So, before you go to that next 'night vigil' or embark on marathon fasting, make sure you understand this precious tenet of God. Genesis 2:5 lays the foundation of this principle -" no shrub or plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground ," . In simpler terms, God didn't send rain because there was no one to work on the ground. Could it be that God hasn't sent rain in that area of your life because you haven't become the person that can cultivate the ground i.e. you haven't become THE ONE, that God can entrust with the riches of the earth? Jesus said, "we perish for lack of knowledge", or more easily put, we...
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