
Finding What We Really Seek

N obody likes work. The real reason we work and take steps to make ends meet is that we want to find rest - meet our needs easily and have inward peace. Often, men seek this rest the wrong way. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said He will give us this rest but in the following verse (v29); He said we will find it. Is there a contradiction? How can we find rest? Matthew 11:28& 29 says, " Come to me, all who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls ." What Jesus meant was that in surrendering our endeavors to him, taking his yoke (which is what He really wants us to do in life), feeding on His word through the process, and having a gentle and humble attitude throughout the way, we will reach a certain point where we will have rest - (all the things we seek for). So, the question is what is Christ's yoke for you? If you have the yoke already, are yo...

What You Didn't Know About the Month of August🤔

D aniel 9:2 says 'I, Daniel understood by the books the number of years the word of God came to Jeremiah the Prophet.' The above verse underscores that by the study of the word Daniel understood the season the word of God was supposed to come to pass. I have realised that by the study of the word, one can discover peculiar seasons attributed to certain months. However, it doesn't stop there. The Bible says in Daniel chapter 9 that after Daniel understood by the books he sought out the Lord - v3 ' KJV:And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.  In the same vein, I discovered that after discovering seasons or realities peculiar to a month or situation, if one prays consistently to position him or herself for that season. Biblically, the number 8 signifies a new beginning. The covenant of circumcision (a form of dedication signifying that one is now God's own) is usually done on the eighth day. No w...

You Don't Need An Hammer 🔨 to Build (Eph 4:24)

" A s long as I don't curse or speak perverse words, I am fine." Most of us believe the above statement is the Christian standard of speech. While discipline in cursing and perverse speaking is commendable, the truth is Christ demands more from His children. What then is the Christian's standard of speech? Ephesians 4:29 helps us answer this question by stating, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up🔥...that it may give grace to those who hear." Wow! This means that every conversation we indulge in should have a strengthening and encouraging effect on the other party. Sometimes we speak to people and they lock themselves up and cry, ultimately, feeling less than they were built up to be. Constructive criticism should be embedded in our default expression. Our words should be rivers of living waters that will serve as refreshing to those who encounter them.  Thank God for Joshua and Caleb. Had they not debun...

Pioneering New Engineering Innovations For A Resilient World In A Post-COVID 19 Era

  (A paper submitted for the Nigerian University Engineering Association Magazine) D espite the successive riotous waves of the global pandemic, the world still exists. However, we are still adjusting with the ‘new normal’ lifestyle that tagged along with COVID-19. A World Bank Study showed that economic growth of advanced regions would decline from a depleted 3.8 percent in 2022 to a disastrous 2.3 percent in 2023. What chance do less-advanced regions have? Innovation is the backbone of our survival in these life threatening times. Innovation is the innate quality of adaptation and resilience pooled into the muscles of the mind. In this Post-COVID era, challenges needs to be solved with scientific solutions. Thus, underscoring the role of emerging engineering innovations for the earth to maintain her much needed resilience. Globally, the most prominent areas affected by the pandemic are: health, education and businesses. Nonetheless, the world is rebounding; however, to maintain a...