
The John 13 Series (II): ASK!!!

The first part of the John 13 series established the love-trust relationship. 🔗 However, at the end of the blog post, it was stated that there is a caution that we must adhere to while being secure in God’s love. As much as Jesus loves us to lean on Him irrespective of circumstances and situations; He also wants to see our problems solved. The love-trust relationship comes with an open cheque and only someone among the disciples understood it in John 13. Now, what was this caution?  A t the supper, a lthough John was at ease on Jesus’ chest, the confusion around him wasn’t changing. So, Peter beckoned to John to ask Jesus who the betrayer was so that there would be peace. John obeyed and eventually, Jesus' response brought a calm. What Peter did here was to leverage the love-trust relationship between Jesus and John to obtain what could calm the unsettling situation. Similarly, this admonishes us not to be complacent just because we trust God in troubling situations but to us...

The John 13 Series (I): Love & Trust

Have you been in a situation where it seems like your world is upside down despite knowing you are in God’s will? I've been there and found it hard to keep calm or trust that everything would be fine. Towards Jesus’s death, there was some disturbance among his disciples; however, one person had a level of trust that made him calm despite all that occurred around him. Who was this🤔? In John 13, at the last supper, Jesus disclosed that one of his disciples would betray him. Predictably, there was confusion among his disciples😵. They were suspicious and confused about whom that statement referred to. Amazingly, In the middle of all this, John was busy resting on Jesus’s chest, rather unbothered👀. Finally, to eradicate the disciples’ confusion, Peter signaled to John to ask Jesus who the betrayer was. John obeyed without shifting from his position of rest - leaning on Jesus (v25). What kind of man is this, that was unmoved by his surroundings and was at ease with Jesus?  What did h...

Start With Me

Sometimes we are vexed by the way those around us behave or how they live their lives. Even some leaders are constantly frustrated at the state of their subordinates, even Jesus faced worse when relating with his disciples, as you can imagine🤣.  Noteworthily, while praying his last prayer for his disciples on Earth, Jesus revealed a principle that was vital to the disciples' transformation from mere men to mighty apostles 💪.  While at the Garden of Gethsemane, in John 17:19, Jesus prayed, " for their sakes, I sanctify myself , that they also might be sanctified through the truth ." In v20, Jesus then prayed, 'for the sake of those that will be sanctified through them , sanctify them '. What was happening here? In the above verses, Jesus revealed that one cannot give something that one doesn't have. One cannot influence or impact people without first being an embodiment of that influence or impact . He wanted his disciples (those in his sphere of influence) ...

Purity: The Flip Side

W e all have things we are expecting God to do for us this year. Certainly, most of us hope that this year we will see God in action in various aspects of our lives, saying, 'I am trusting God to do this and that for me🙏 this year  '.  However, to see the hand of God (God's power) takes more than amazing plans. At times we hinder God from working, and sometimes God is at work, and we don't see it😳, all because we lack  a key component .  What is this key ingredient to seeing God move? While giving the popular sermon on the mount, Jesus said, ' Blessed are the pure in heart for they,  shall see God' (Matthew 5:8). You are probably thinking "what does being pure in heart have to do with my goals?"  Basically, ensuring your heart is pure implies not exposing yourself to what can 'corrupt the heart', which is very important. But, on the flip side , it also means making sure that the motive of your actions and goals (that you are trusting God for...